I Have a Muse To Amuse
2005-09-06 @ 3:22 a.m.

He reached up, over her head, to make her feel small, and he asked her, How far until we're nothing at all? And she replied, matter-of-factly, that she had no clue or inkling but it had nothing to do with being tall.

And then he asked, after a pause, Do you wanna play some ball? and she replied, matter-of-factly, that she did not, at all, and she looked off at the house, remembered the clock on the wall and ran off to greet the seven o'clock call.

<<before - after>>

The Weather Underground - 2008-11-12
- - 2008-05-06
She knows I can read. - 2008-05-06
William Jacobson - 2008-05-02
Lost Boys - 2008-04-30

everything Claudia (2003-2008)